Working together to protect 28 vital coastal ecosystems
The Association of National Estuary Programs (ANEP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit driven by its mission to unite and support organizations within the National Estuary Program. Spanning 29 states and Puerto Rico, the program’s place-based network protects and manages 28 U.S. estuaries of national significance and has restored over 2.5 million acres of coastal habitat since 1987.

Building Resilient Communities​
The entities within the National Estuary Program empower communities to play a leading role in preserving the estuaries and watersheds they rely on.

Policy Priorities
For every federal dollar invested, the National Estuary Program leverages $17 in local, state, and private-sector investments to protect and improve coastal environments, communities, and economies
The 28 National Estuary Program locations designated by Congress are centers of economic growth, workforce development, domestic seafood production, and tourism, and are home to essential transportation infrastructure.
ANEP supports policies that promote the ecological integrity of estuaries, build capacity for coastal resilience, improve water quality, and encourage community access to coastal ecosystems. ANEP encourages robust federal funding for the National Estuary Program and the innovative competitive awards program.
These funds are essential to vital work in areas such as harmful algal bloom mitigation and other water quality issues; coastal resilience and adaptation; community engagement and education; habitat restoration; microplastics reduction; species management and recovery; land use development/planning and other technical support; and improving public access.